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Orchitis Cured by Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill

2014-09-22 17:40

Mr. J         33 years old        Vancouver, Canada

Mr. J had been suffering from orchitis for over two years. His condition started with a sharp pain when he touched his scrotum while taking shower. Since then he always feel a bulge sensation at the testis. Pain at the left testicle "comes and goes". Later he developed slight abdominal pain.


His diagnosis from local doctor was orchitis with slight inflamed prostate and had been treated with several sorts of antibiotics.


He came across my site and contacted me about four months ago. After consultant, he started treatment with Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill.


He got no big improvement in first course treatment and felt anxious. I persuaded him to trust me and continue. After 40 days treatment, he told me that within 10 days his bulge sensation disappeared. Pain in testis and abdomen sometimes occurred.


In the middle of third course he said he hadn't felt any pain for a whole week. He was cured then, but he kept taking the pills for another two weeks (three months in total) to get a very recovery.

Learn more of the medicine: Chinese patent medicine to cure prostatitis.

If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact us. Email of Dr. Lee: wuhandrlee@hotmail.com   herbalistlee@yahoo.com

article source : http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Testimonials/2011/1008/679.html



2014-09-03 16:16

ヤードセール、ママから離れてステップ!あなたの子供たちは新学期のための服を私を渡http://www.itariaautorettjp.comし たくない!ブランドの新しい学年に入る中での楽しみの一部は、少なくともいくつかの新しい服のアイテムを誇りにホールを歩くことです。服はとても高価なこ とができるが、そうするあらゆる自己尊重の親は何ですか? 4の母(!と教師)として、私はあなたの子供のアパレル今年にお金を節約する上で知恵のいくつかの単語がありますか。

1学校の服を買いに行 くには数週間前に地元の日曜日の新聞を購入。パンフレット、チラシ、および通達は「ビッグ」の販売を有し、特にどのような部署にいる人アドバタイズしま す。今年は、私が売却」下車ものを買うの半分「持っていた靴屋で買い物をし、このようにとても素敵な靴を私の二人の子供を装いすることができました。

2。誰がデザイナーブランドを持つことができないと言う?ただメイシーズ、主に入るとテイラーゼニア アウトレットは 私を怖がらせるために使用されるが、今、私はクリアランスラックにそこベンチャーと頭。私は "盗む"毎回見つけていませんが、何度も私はちょうどいいアイテムを見つける。多くの店にも店舗を持っている。いくつかの都市でも、ナイキ、アディダス、 アンクライン、リズクレイボーン、トミーヒルフィガー、アメリカンイーグル、アバクロンビー&フィッチなどの素敵なラベルのための不規則な、中止、または クリアランスのアイテムを運ぶアウトレットモールがあります。


2014-09-03 16:14

デリーの不動産市場は、インドで最も活発な市場の一つである。市は、インドの政治的、社会的、文化的なハブであるためゼニア アウトレット

JOR バーグ、サフダルジャンエンクレイブ、防衛コロニー、Sainik農場、モデルコロニー、パンジャブ語バーグ、グレーターカイラシュニューフレンズコロ ニーのようなデリーの主要な住宅地が完全に詰まっている。これらの地域の不動産価格は常にずっと先他の分野のだった。

ゴルフリンクスのために本プロパティ値が15000であると推定されている - 。25000ルピー/平方フィートの新エルメネジルド アウトレット

こ この土地は実業家、起業家や政治家によって撮影された個別のプロットとして配分された。この人たちは、住宅の目的のために、巨大な、宮殿のような建物を構 築しています。転貸及び財産のレンタルは、これらの分野で行われますが、スカイ急上昇価格で再びです。月額45000 - このサンプル、ニューフレンズコロニー内2BHKアパートルピー30000でレンタルされています。

The four main causes and TCM treatment for necrospermia

2014-09-03 15:45

The four main causes and TCM treatment for necrospermia

Necrospermia (or Necrozoospermia) is a condition where spermatozoa in semen are either immobile or dead. Commonly, it is one of the most common semen abnormalities, and it is also the major common cause of male infertility. 
1. Some of the inflammation and infections, such as prostatitis, orchitis
Clinically, some diseases like prostatitis, orchitis can cause 80% sperm being dead sperm. Due to the inflammatory infections, the necessary nutrients for sperm are consumed by the bacteria, and the pH which is the important environment of sperm is changed. Under the circumstances, the sperm which has no suitable nutrition and living environment is easy to be dead. 
2. Nonliquefaction of semen
Prostatic fluid secreted by the prostate is an important ingredient of the semen, accounting for about 30% of the semen. If patients have the diseases like prostatitis, orchitis, the inflammatory substances can impact on the amount and ingredients of the sperm. Thus, the sperm activity can be d because of the decreasing prostatic fluid, which makes the nonliquefaction of semen. If the sperm cannot be liquefied, then more and more sperm will be dead. 
3.Too much abnormal sperm 
Clinically, the condition in which the abnormal sperm are more than 50% is known as abnormal sperm polycythemia. And too much abnormal sperm impacts on necrospermia, causing the low survival rate of sperm. 
4.Poor sperm motility
Sperm motility and fructose contained in the seminal vesicles have directly relationship. If the fructos is reduced, the sperm can be nutritional deficiencies. Thus, the sperm mortality can be reduced, which increase the mortality rate of sperm. In addition, the deficiency of vitamin A, E also has a great impact on sperm motility, which directly impacts on the sperm mortality.
Currently, necrospermia is not incurable disease. Clinically, necrospermia are mainly caused by the inflammation and infection, like prostatitis, orchitis. Thus, if patients want to cure the necrospermia, they should cure their prostatitis, orchitis first. According to medical survey, the TCM treatment like diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill works effectively on the necrospermia.
Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill contains some herbs which can kill bacteria and clear away heat effectively. Clinically, it has curative effect on the prostatitis, orchitis and so on. Besides, the herbal medicine is made from complete herbs, which has not drug resistance and side effect to the reproductive organs. Commonly, the inflammatory infection like prostatitis, orchitis can be cured in about 3 months. Therefore, without the inflammation and infection, the necrospermia can get the completely treatment.
article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Necrospermia/2014/0613/197.html

Irregular vaginal bleeding

2014-09-03 15:44

Irregular vaginal bleeding

Vaginal bleeding is a condition that many women encounter. It can be divided into two categories: physiological and pathological vaginal bleeding. The former one which includes normal menstruation and postpartum lochia discharge belongs to the normal physiological category. And it won't endanger female health. However, pathological vaginal bleeding is different. It not only does damage to women, but also is a manifestation of physical illness.
Irregular vaginal bleeding refers to the vaginal bleeding that occurs either at the wrong time during the month or in inappropriate amounts. It can be caused by many factors such as ovarian endocrine dysfunction, abnormal pregnancy, cancer, reproductive tract inflammation and some systemic diseases.
Irregular vaginal bleeding can be divided into the following types: 
1.The menstrual flow increases and menstruation is prolonged, but the menstrual cycle is normal. This can be a sign of uterine fibroids, adenomyosis and uterine bleeding. In addition, women who have intrauterine ring may also suffer from increased menstrual flow. 
2.There is decreased amount or duration of menstrual flow (hypomenorrhea). Hypomenorrhea can be caused by overactive thyroid function, certain kidney diseases and some oral contraceptive pills.
3.The vaginal bleeding lasts for a long time. This is mostly caused by genital malignancies such as cervical and endometrial cancer.
4.Vaginal bleeding occurs during or after sex. Females may have diseases like cervical erosion, cervical polyps, cancer or submucosal fibroids. 
5.Spot appears before or after the menstruation. A small amount of bloody discharge before or after the menstruation is usually caused by ovarian dysfunction. However, it can also be caused by endometriosis
6.Females have bleeding between menstrual periods (intermenstrual bleeding). Women who are ovulating normally can experience light bleeding between menstrual periods. In addition, oral contraceptive pills, IUD, psychological stress, certain medications such as anticoagulant drugs, and fluctuations in hormone levels can also be the reason for intermenstrual bleeding.
7. Women have irregular vaginal bleeding after menopause. If the woman is in childbearing age, she is very likely to have pregnancy-related diseases such as miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and hydatid mole. However, if the woman is in postmenopausal period, she is more likely to have cancer.  

8.Paroxysmal vaginal bleeding occurs. This means females may suffer from Primary Fallopian Tube Carcinoma (PFTC).

article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Symptoms_Checker/230.html


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